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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Movies of 2011

So I'm continuing the best of 2011,  and now we are talking about movies.. let me asee... this could be difficult because there are so freaking many! I'm going to watch Monte Carlo today or 2morrow so that is just gonna be good. And Breaking Dawn Part 1, I mean who hasnt seen that movie? I haven't seen it but hopefully the rest of the world has :) Jack and Jill has got to be the funniest movie of this year, am i kidding? I think not! I havent seen Jack and Jill either because I was kinda grounded when all my friends when to see it... Thanks mom and dad i absolutely love you guys :p The muppets is rated PG i mean let's continue the whole saturday morning cartoon phase, no muppets are going to break free and go PG for 'rude humor' :) That may be the cheesiest thing I've ever heard of. 'Rude Humor'?? Does it mean sarcasm or something? Seriously! Ok more movies more movies... gosh i couldn't even begin to say all the amazing movies. So here's the deal if you have a movie that came out in 2011 or is coming out in 2012 but you have SEEN IT the comment below and let people know why it's awesome! :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

National Days and Best CD of 2011

Hey guys I know I haven't been on in forever! Because mainly I forgot my password :) Anyhooo, so I am always wondering what are the national days? Don't you want to yell 'Today is National " " Day!' when there's an awkward silence... then again that could be just me :) So if you are wondering what the day is go to this website http://www.louderbacks.com/home/dict/days.html its amazing but make sure you know what the date is... or else someone could say ' No, that was yesterday.' Ahhhhhhhh!!! That would be horrible! Ok, so enough sad thoughts :(. Now let's talk about what's actually Rocking Today or Rocking This Year, Demi Lovato let's start with her, first she's amazing! If you listen to her last CD and her newest CD there is such a big difference. Since she went into rehab and all of that stuff this CD is her slowest and most wonderful ever :) People have been asking me, what's your favorite song on this cd, there are 3 that i love to death, skyscaper (duh), My love is like a star, and For the love of a daughter, my favorites :) and this is really long so I will keep you updated on the Best of 2011 before the end of the year i promise!!
~mollie :)